Closing Thoughts
This is a sobering reminder of the cost of progress. While this will improve mobility throughout the region, there were real costs well beyond the financial price tag of this project. These cannot be forgotten. In some places, entire blocks were demolished.
Additionally, this will be the end of 100 years of history. The South Shore Line is considered to be the last interurban line still operating in the United States, and with this project it will lose the last major piece of its interurban heritage and be more like a modern commuter rail line. This is all for the greater good, and the average passenger doesn’t really care about the interurban heritage of the line and just wants to get where they’re going, but is still worth remembering. To close, here are some pictures of the train running down the street and some in-street trackage. I look forward to seeing the project completed but will definitely miss what was there before.